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17 May


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Mastering Run/Walk Intervals: Boost Your Endurance & Speed with This Ultimate Guide

May 17, 2023 | By | No Comments

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on run/walk intervals, a proven training method designed to help runners of all levels improve their endurance and speed. This approach not only makes your workouts more enjoyable but can also prevent injury and enhance your overall running experience. In this post, we will explore the benefits of run/walk intervals, how to incorporate them into your training, and tips for optimizing your workouts using our running app, available on the app store.

Understanding the Benefits of Run/Walk Intervals

Run/walk intervals involve alternating between periods of running and walking, which can be tailored to suit your fitness level and goals. Some of the key benefits of this method include:

  • Improved endurance: By allowing your body to recover during walking intervals, you can gradually increase your total workout duration, enhancing your stamina over time.
  • Increased speed: Introducing short bursts of running helps develop fast-twitch muscle fibers, ultimately improving your overall running pace.
  • Reduced injury risk: Alternating between running and walking can reduce the impact on your joints and muscles, lowering the risk of injuries.
  • Enhanced motivation: Run/walk intervals make running more accessible and enjoyable, especially for beginners or those returning from an injury.

How to Incorporate Run/Walk Intervals into Your Training

When starting with run/walk intervals, it’s crucial to establish a suitable ratio for your fitness level. As a beginner, you might begin with a 1:4 running-to-walking ratio, eventually progressing to a 1:1 ratio as your fitness improves. Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • Beginner: Start with a 1:4 ratio, such as running for 1 minute and walking for 4 minutes. Repeat this cycle for the desired workout duration.
  • Intermediate: Progress to a 1:2 ratio, like running for 1 minutes and walking for 2 minutes, as your fitness and comfort levels improve.
  • Advanced: Aim for a 1:1 ratio, running for 3 minutes and walking for 3 minutes, to further challenge yourself and boost your performance.

Tips for Optimizing Run/Walk Interval Workouts

  • Warm-up: Begin each workout with a 5-10 minute warm-up of brisk walking or light jogging to prepare your body for the upcoming intervals.
  • Monitor your effort: Use a heart rate monitor or the perceived exertion scale to ensure you’re working within your target intensity zone during the running intervals.
  • Be consistent: Aim to incorporate run/walk intervals into your training plan 1-2 times per week for the best results.
  • Cool down: Finish each workout with a 5-10 minute cool-down, including walking and gentle stretching to aid in recovery and flexibility.

Enhance Your Run/Walk Interval Training with Vima Run

Our running app, available on the app store, offers a variety of features designed to help you make the most of your run/walk interval workouts:

  • Customizable interval timers: Set your desired run/walk intervals, and the app will notify you when it’s time to switch.
  • GPS tracking: Monitor your distance, pace, and route during your workouts, allowing you to track your progress and set new goals.
  • Progress tracking and analytics: Review your workout history and analyze your performance over time to identify trends, celebrate achievements, and set new challenges.
  • Audio coaching: Know how far you’ve gone without looking at your phone
  • Shoe tracking: Know when it’s time to replace your old shoes and avoid injuries

Ready to experience the benefits of run/walk intervals and take your training to new heights? Download our running app from the app store today and get started on your journey towards improved endurance, increased speed, and a more enjoyable running experience. Happy running!

08 Apr


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The Beginner’s Guide to Running: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Start

April 8, 2023 | By | No Comments

people running

Embarking on a running routine may seem intimidating, especially if you haven’t been active for a while. However, with the right mindset and a touch of planning, you’ll quickly be on your way to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Here are some tips to help you get started on your running journey.

Consult Your Doctor

Before beginning, consult your doctor to ensure running is safe for you. Once you have the green light, it’s time to start planning your running routine.

Invest in Quality Running Shoes

You’ll want to invest in a good pair of running shoes that provide proper support and cushioning to protect your feet and joints. Visit a specialty running store where the staff can help you find the right shoe for your foot type and running style. Don’t forget to replace your shoes every 300–500 miles; see our post about running shoe lifespan.

Establish Your Running Pace

Start slow and gradually increase your speed and distance over time. Use the Intervals feature on the Vima Run app to set a walk-run routine, where you run for a minute and then walk for one, two, or three minutes. As your fitness level improves, increase your running time and decrease your walking time.

Stretch and Warm-Up Exercises

Prior to your run, spend a few minutes stretching your legs, hips, and back to prevent injuries and improve flexibility. Incorporating a dynamic warm-up routine can also be beneficial.

Set Realistic Goals

Set achievable goals, such as running for a specific distance or time or completing a 5K race. Having a goal will provide direction and motivation throughout your running journey. Block off time on your calendar to help make it a priority.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to your body’s signals. If you feel tired or experience pain, take a break and allow your body time to recover. Remember, running should be an enjoyable activity, so take it easy and savor the journey.

Starting a running routine can be challenging, but with the right mindset and planning, you’ll soon be on your way to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Embrace the process and enjoy your newfound love for running!

20 Mar


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How Many Miles Before Replacing Your Running Shoes? (Plus, an App to Help You Track!)

March 20, 2023 | By | No Comments

As a runner, your shoes are your most valuable asset. They safeguard your feet and offer support during your runs, making it essential to replace them before they become too worn out. But determining when to replace your running shoes can be tricky. In this article, we’ll explore the best practices for knowing when to replace your running shoes and help you track your miles.

The general guideline is to replace your running shoes every 300–500 miles. However, factors such as body weight, running style, and the type of surface you run on can impact this recommendation. Heavier runners may need to change their shoes more often, while lighter runners might get more mileage. Additionally, a heavy heel strike or running on rough surfaces may accelerate shoe wear.

Several signs indicate it’s time for new running shoes. One is visible wear and tear on the soles or upper part of the shoe. If the treads are worn down, or the upper material is fraying, it’s time to invest in a new pair. Another sign is pain or discomfort during your runs. If you experience aching in your feet, shins, knees, or hips, it could mean your shoes are no longer providing adequate support.

Remember that even if your shoes appear to be in good condition, they might still need replacing. Running shoe materials can break down over time, even when not in use. For this reason, experts recommend replacing your shoes every six months, regardless of whether you’ve reached the 300–500 mile threshold.

In conclusion, the mileage at which you should replace your running shoes can vary, but 300–500 miles is a reliable guideline. Pay attention to signs of wear and tear, as well as any pain or discomfort you may experience during your runs. Don’t forget to replace your shoes every six months, even if you haven’t reached the mileage limit.

To make tracking your shoe mileage easier, we recommend trying Vima Run. With this app, you can effortlessly log your miles and know when it’s time to replace your running shoes. With proper care and attention, your running shoes will keep you injury-free and comfortable throughout your running journey. Download the app now and start tracking your shoe mileage today!

21 Sep


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The Surprising Health Benefits of Cycling

September 21, 2015 | By | No Comments

Thinking of buying a new bike? Go ahead! According to health experts, cycling is one of the best ways to stay fit and get your daily dose of exercise. This fun yet challenging activity relieves stress and lifts your mood, promotes cardiovascular health, and burns fat. It also lowers your risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity.

Cycling for Health and Fitness

Cycling is a low impact activity that benefits people of all ages. Compared to running and other sports, it’s mild on your joints and doesn’t require any special skills. Even those with back or knee pain can ride a bike. This form of exercise helps reduce lower back pain, strengthens the bones, and improves your fitness level.

Riding a bike makes you fitter, leaner, and more agile. Even those who haven’t been working out for years can start cycling. The best part is that you can enjoy this activity almost anywhere, at any time of the year. All you need is a bike, a helmet, and some comfortable clothes. Over time, cycling improves muscle tone, builds stamina, and boosts your endurance.

Your Brain on Bicycling

The health benefits of cycling go beyond a fit body and increased energy. This low impact exercise is good for your brain too. Studies have found that cycling wards off depression and anxiety, melts away stress, and sharpens your thinking. It also promotes the formation of new brain cells and improves problem solving skills.

People who ride a bike regularly are able to focus better at work and retain information with greater ease than those with a sedentary lifestyle. This basic form of exercise keeps your brain sharp and boosts memory while enhancing your body’s ability to handle stress. It can even banish the blues and reduce mood swings by increasing serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain. So, are you ready for a ride?

17 Sep


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How to Stop Food Cravings Naturally

September 17, 2015 | By | No Comments

Are you constantly craving chocolate? Do you feel the urge to eat salty foods? Statistics show that 91 percent of women are dealing with strong food cravings at any given time. Men have cravings too. Your all-consuming desire for cookies can ruin your diet as well as your waistline. Fortunately, there are ways to stop food cravings naturally without drugs or supplements.

Calm Down

Sugar cravings are often a sign of stress. When you’re anxious or stressed out, your body releases cortisol. This hormone signals the brain to seek out rewards. As a result, you start craving sweets. Sugar also increases serotonin production, causing addiction. Serotonin is a feel-good hormone that lifts your mood. By avoiding stress, your sugar cravings will diminish.

Reach for Fruit

Fruit is a healthier alternative to sweets. If you crave sugar regularly, keep some fruits at hand. However, you still need to watch your portions. Too much fruit can cause weight gain too. If possible, choose low sugar fruit like berries, avocado, oranges, and grapefruit.

Consider What Your Body Needs

Food cravings may also indicate nutrient deficiencies. For example, a strong taste for chocolate could be hint that you’re low on magnesium. If you’re craving meat, you need more iron in your diet.

Avoid Your Triggers

Most people crave the foods they consume regularly. By changing your eating habits, you can curb your old cravings and reinforce new ones. For instance, if you eat potato chips once a week, replace them with raw almonds. After a few weeks, you’ll crave nuts instead of chips. Most nuts, including almonds, are packed with healthy fats, protein, and fiber, while potato chips have little or no nutrients.

Distract Yourself

Research shows that most cravings last about 10 minutes. Next time you feel the urge to eat ice cream, call a friend or go for a walk. Listening to music, working out, and watching TV can help too. Keep yourself busy for 10-15 minutes to make your cravings go away.

14 Sep


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Top 5 Foods That Prevent You from Losing Weight

September 14, 2015 | By | No Comments

Did you know that diet foods can make you fat? The truth is that even the healthiest foods can lead to weight gain when consumed in excess. However, some products should be avoided entirely. These include bagels, doughnuts, fries, refined pasta, high fructose corn syrup and much more. Diet foods aren’t safe either. Most times, they contain hydrogenated fats and hidden sugars that can ruin your health. So, here are top five foods that prevent you from losing weight:

High-Fiber Snack Bars

Most health stores sell high-fiber snacks bars that are supposed to improve digestion and boost overall health. However, these products are anything but healthy. That’s because they usually contain large amounts of sugar in the form of dextrose, fructose, corn syrup, honey, or dried fruit. Some have over 500 calories per serving, which is quite a lot. If you need more fiber in your diet, eat fresh fruit and vegetables daily.

Breakfast Cereals

Contrary to popular belief, breakfast cereals and whole grains are completely different things. Cereals are highly processed and contain tons of sugar, sweeteners, and artificial flavors. They also lack fiber and nutrients. Whole grains, on the other hand, are minimally processed and deliver large amounts of fiber, complex carbs, calcium, magnesium, and vitamins.

Frozen Dinners

Despite their convenience, frozen dinners are a terrible choice for any dieter. Not only they contain additives and preservatives, but are made with fattening ingredients like margarine, canola oil, sugar, and white flour. Some provide more than 1,000 calories per serving.

Fried Foods

Frying increases the glycemic index of food and produces dangerous toxins. If you care about your health, avoid fried foods altogether. French fries, potato chips, fried eggs, onion rings, chicken nuggets and other fried products affect digestion, cause acid reflux, and lead to weight gain.

Salad Dressings

The salad dressings available in stores are loaded with oil, salt, high fructose corn syrup, glucose, and flavorings. These products can turn the healthiest salad into a calorie bomb. Next time you make a salad, create your own dressing using olive oil, lemon juice, vinegar, mustard, yogurt, chilies and other healthy ingredients.

11 Sep


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Is HIIT Better Than Steady-State Cardio?

September 11, 2015 | By | No Comments

High intensity interval training (HIIT) has emerged as one of the most popular workout methods available today. From celebrities to fitness gurus and athletes, everyone is praising the health benefits of HIIT. According to researchers, this form of exercise increases metabolism, preserves muscle, and burns fat. Compared to regular cardio, it produces better results in less time.

What Makes HIIT So Effective

This workout method alternates shorts, intense bursts of exercise with low intensity exercise. It can be applied to most activities, such as running, sprinting, treadmill walking, stair climbing, and even strength training. For example, you can run fast for 30 seconds, walk for 60 seconds, and then run for another 30 seconds. A typical HIIT workout can last anywhere from three minutes to 20 minutes.

Studies have found that high intensity interval training burns more calories per minute than any other workout method. It also improves insulin sensitivity, increases aerobic capacity, and helps build lean muscle. The best part is that you’ll get dramatic results without spending more time in the gym.

HIIT vs. Steady State Cardio

HIIT is considered a better alternative to steady state cardio due to its ability to preserve muscle and speed up metabolism. When done in excess, regular cardio can even decrease your metabolism and raise stress hormone levels, leading to weight gain. It also causes muscle loss and puts stress on your joints. High intensity interval training does exactly the opposite.

Additionally, this training method offers athletes and experienced lifters a new challenge. Whether you’re new to exercise or have years of practice behind your back, you can benefit from HIIT. For best results, do three weekly workouts. Mix HIIT with strength training to shed fat and gain lean muscle. Don’t forget to eat clean and watch your portions. Not even the best workout routine can compensate for poor nutrition.

08 Sep


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3 Proven Tips to Make Your Diet Work

September 8, 2015 | By | No Comments

Ever wonder why your diet doesn’t work? Do you eat clean and stick to your calorie goals, but your efforts are in vain? Most people follow cookie cutter diets with little or no results. However, these weight loss plans rarely work. It’s important to understand that there is no-one-size-fits-all diet.

The weight loss plans you see in magazine and on the Internet may work for some people, but this doesn’t mean they are good for you. For example, a 200-pound woman has different nutritional needs than a 150-pound girl with a history of bulimia or anorexia.

So, here are a few tips to make your diet work:

Customize Your Diet

If you can’t afford to see a nutritionist, use an existing diet with proven benefits. A good example is the Mediterranean diet or the ketogenic diet. There are thousands of websites and blogs that provide sample meal plans to help you out. Your job is to customize each meal plan according to your goals. For instance, if you’re lactose intolerant, replace dairy with soy products. Reduce or increase portions based on your weight and calorie goals. If you don’t take breakfast, have an extra snack later in the day.

Use Your Carbs Wisely

Some people are more sensitive to carbs than others. Your best bet is to eat carbs before and after working out. This way, your body will use sugar to fuel your muscles instead of storing it as fat. If you crave cake or ice cream, enjoy it right after your workout. Stick to protein and healthy fats throughout the day.

Eat Filling, Low-Calorie Foods

Are you constantly hungry? Do you feel the need to eat all the time? If so, choose low calorie foods that fill you up quickly. Fat-free yogurt, soup, celery, cucumbers, and protein shakes are a good choice. Soup has only a few calories, so there are no restrictions on how much you can eat. These foods fit into most diets and promote weight loss.

08 Sep


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How to Speed Up Your Metabolism Naturally

September 8, 2015 | By | No Comments

Stress, poor nutrition, fad diets and other factors affect your metabolism, leading to weight gain. A slow metabolism can stop you from losing fat and reaching your fitness goals. It may also affect your digestion, cause tiredness and fatigue, and drain your energy. Fortunately, there are ways to increase your metabolic rate without taking pills and supplements. Certain foods and exercises, proper sleep, and frequent meals can speed up your metabolism naturally.

Train at High Intensity

High-intensity training produces a bigger, longer rise in metabolic rate than steady state cardio. The same goes for weight lifting. The more intense your workout, the more calories you burn. For best results, you can either do HIIT or alternate biking, fast running, or rowing with strength exercises.

Increase Your Protein Intake

Protein requires over 25 percent more energy to digest than carbs and fats. By eating high-protein foods, you’ll burn more calories throughout the day. Your diet should include poultry, lean meat, fish, egg whites, raw nuts, and seeds. Legumes contain small amounts of protein too.

Get More Sleep

Recent studies have found that poor sleep may decrease metabolism, causing your body to store more calories from food. At the same time, it increases cortisol levels, which leads to weight gain and sugar cravings. If you want to keep your metabolism high, sleep at least eight hours a night.

Lift Weights

The amount of muscle you carry has a direct impact on your metabolism. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body needs. Weight training is the best way to build lean muscle, so don’t be afraid to pump iron. Start with lighter weights and increase the load gradually. Do multi-joint exercises that work your whole body, such as pull-ups, squats, shoulder press, chest press, lunges, and rows. Use barbells, dumbbells, and kettlebells to stimulate muscle growth and burn fat.

04 Sep


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Improve Your Workouts in 4 Steps

September 4, 2015 | By | No Comments

Have you been working out for a few months or years? Want to make your routine more intense and get better results? Then you should reassess your diet and fitness plan. Even the smallest changes in your routine can lead to greater muscle and strength gains. What you eat affects your results too, so it’s important to determine your daily macronutrient ratios and plan your diet accordingly. Here are four steps to improve your workouts and build a better body:

Avoid Overtraining

As you progress, your strength and endurance will increase. Over time, you’ll find yourself working out harder for longer periods of time. However, this isn’t necessarily a good thing. Too much exercise can lead to muscle loss, poor immunity, increased stress hormone levels, and injuries. A typical workout shouldn’t exceed 45-50 minutes. Keep your cardio sessions under 40 minutes.

Superset Strength and Cardio

Another simple way to make your workouts more challenging is to superset strength and cardio exercises. Instead of taking breaks between sets, do jumping jacks, burpees, push-ups, sprints and other moves that elevate your heart rate. This technique will boost your metabolism and shock your muscles into growth.

Fuel Your Body

Protein shakes, glutamine, amino acids, and quality food promote muscle and repair. If you’re on a tight budget, stick to the basics. Eat according to your goals and use whey protein to supplement your diet. Whey protein powder aids in digestion, promotes fat loss, and improves recovery. It may also possess anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

Roll it Out

If you work out five or six times a week, you might not be able to recover fully between sessions. This can affect your performance and reduce your gains. To speed up recovery, use foam rolling. Also known as myofascial self release, this massage technique relieves tension in your bones and muscles, improves joint mobility, and eases stress.