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How to Stop Food Cravings Naturally

September 17, 2015 | By | No Comments

Are you constantly craving chocolate? Do you feel the urge to eat salty foods? Statistics show that 91 percent of women are dealing with strong food cravings at any given time. Men have cravings too. Your all-consuming desire for cookies can ruin your diet as well as your waistline. Fortunately, there are ways to stop food cravings naturally without drugs or supplements.

Calm Down

Sugar cravings are often a sign of stress. When you’re anxious or stressed out, your body releases cortisol. This hormone signals the brain to seek out rewards. As a result, you start craving sweets. Sugar also increases serotonin production, causing addiction. Serotonin is a feel-good hormone that lifts your mood. By avoiding stress, your sugar cravings will diminish.

Reach for Fruit

Fruit is a healthier alternative to sweets. If you crave sugar regularly, keep some fruits at hand. However, you still need to watch your portions. Too much fruit can cause weight gain too. If possible, choose low sugar fruit like berries, avocado, oranges, and grapefruit.

Consider What Your Body Needs

Food cravings may also indicate nutrient deficiencies. For example, a strong taste for chocolate could be hint that you’re low on magnesium. If you’re craving meat, you need more iron in your diet.

Avoid Your Triggers

Most people crave the foods they consume regularly. By changing your eating habits, you can curb your old cravings and reinforce new ones. For instance, if you eat potato chips once a week, replace them with raw almonds. After a few weeks, you’ll crave nuts instead of chips. Most nuts, including almonds, are packed with healthy fats, protein, and fiber, while potato chips have little or no nutrients.

Distract Yourself

Research shows that most cravings last about 10 minutes. Next time you feel the urge to eat ice cream, call a friend or go for a walk. Listening to music, working out, and watching TV can help too. Keep yourself busy for 10-15 minutes to make your cravings go away.

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